GrEen SeCreTs

They Have Moved!
November 5, 2007, 2:25 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The masterpieces of some of our talented CYX 2007 artists have been moved to a new location!! =)

We dismantled some of the chairs, and reconstructed it in
Morchoo and Titoy’s Magical Garden

So now, everyone who visits Morchoo and Titoy’s Magical Garden at GardenAsia will also get to see these wonderful creations ^_^

Well, I’m sure all of you are interested to find out where the chairs are being displayed at now… So, here are some pictures =) If you want to get a closer and better look, feel free to drop by GardenAsia for a visit because you are always welcome here.

Calvin, your Mummy Chair is one lucky chair because it’s surrounded with ALL 12 Osmoxylon Lineare plants ^_^


Li Min, yours is nicely settled in the middle of a puddle of rocks =)



Yu Shan, Flipsides is now under a nice wooden shelter.



Mikko, Back To Nature is now placeed under a tree.


Ming, Chairman is just behind Mikko’s Back To Nature, and it’s standing proudly in the centre of Morchoo and Titoy’s Magical Garden =D


Chien Lin, Lazy Bone is now in the company of several palm trees =)


For those of you whose chairs are not shown here… I’m terribly sorry. We couldn’t move all the chairs outdoors because some of the chairs are made from materials that would not be able to withstand rain. Not to worry though, like they say, pictures last a lifetime… and we’ve got LOADS of those =D